Registration now open (Please follow this link)

Early Bird Registration closes: 30 May 2019

Registration Fees:

Early Bird:

IEEE Member: €550.00.
IEEE DEIS Member: €500.00.
IEEE Non Member: €600.00.
IEEE Student Member: €350.00.
IEEE Student Non Member: €400.00.
Workshop (not applicable to any speaker): €50.00.

Late Registration:

IEEE Member: €600.00.
IEEE DEIS Member: €550.00.
IEEE Non Member: €670.00.
IEEE Student Member: €400.00.
IEEE Student Non Member: €450.00.
Workshop (not applicable to any speaker) : €60.00.

Please note that proof of membership status or student status will be requested.

Abstract Submissions

Abstract submission open: 23 November 2018.

Abstract submission deadline: 08 May 2019.

Missed the submission deadline? You can still participate Poster abstract submission extended.
– Abstract submission for oral presentation: CLOSED.
– Abstract submission for poster presentation: EXTENDED.

Notification of acceptance of abstract starting: 15 May 2019.

Abstracts must be submitted through the Call for Papers page

Visa Information

Information on visa requirements and application procedures can befound here.

Please contact us immediately if you need a visa to enter Ireland. Speakers, presenters and attendees from countries requiring special travel permit (e.g. China) should immediately apply to their respective government authority.